Acts & Workshops



A classy and mischievous act including the classic feather boa. Gigi tells a well-known story about the girls´ best friends with a twinkle in her eye. This act is easily performed in smaller spaces/stages.

Photo: Veera Korhonen


A lighthearted and fun number to Finnish new folk music! This act combines folk dance moves to sassy burlesque and leaves the audience with a smile on their faces. A visual explosion with lots of colors and sparkle made by Olivia Rouge Costumier and crazy fruit hat by Fiona Timantti.
Suits all stages.

Photo: BonBon Giggles


Gigi´s most vintage looking-act, with an amazing ensemble made by Olivia Rouge Costumier and a headpiece by Fiona Timantti. A nod to the legends this classic act has some old school bump ´n ´grind and some panel skirt action! Music by Ray Collins´Hot Club & Tom Waits. Suitable for all stages!

Photo: BonBon Giggles

Praline Airlines 

Be sure to locate your closest emergency exits! In this act Gigi takes you on a flight to Bangkok, a flight with a few bumps and grinds on the way. This sassy stewardess is quite tongue-in-cheek. Due to her REAL work experience as a flight attendant Gigi provides you with a flight simulation that will be quite unforgettable!

Photo: Emiliano Melandri

In Flames 

The first inspiration to this act came from the film "Inglorious Basterds" and the amazing scene where Shosanna burns the movie theatre down.This act is dramatic and a guaranteed showstopper - and like with the Phoenix bird there is something unexpected raising from the flames! It includes a magnificent, hand-made outfit with a hand-colored silk veil made by Olivia Rouge! For this, it usually is easier performed in a bigger space. 

Photo: Kaylin Idora 

Lucia, faithfully 

Saint Lucia is celebrated in Scandinavia on the 13th of December when she, with candles in her hair, brings light to our darkest season. In every person there is, however, a side that is hidden. Gigi´s Lucia shines in all the colors of the rainbow playing with stereotypes and heteronormativity and hoping to shed light upon gay rights and equality for all. 

Photo: JBM


Heartbreak -haven´t we all had it? Dramatic and beautiful this act sparkles across letting the audience in on secrets of the broken heart. Hurt includes a 3 meter long Star boa made by burlesque legend Fannie Annie and looks better on a slightly bigger stage ( dress includes wings).

Midlife Crisis

We are living in a world where the pressure to look a certain way -and a certain age, is harsh. As we sometimes we forget that we really should love our bodies and who we are, Midlife Crisis is an ode to the bits on our bodies we´d rather not talk about. Humorous, dramatic and flashy with an amazing ensemble made my Renea Le Roux. 

(c) Tuomas Lairila


An act inspired by jazz-music and modern dance Gigi will take you deep under the waves with a magical fan-dance to a well-known Finnish song about the sea and love lost ("Myskyluodon Maija" by Lenni-Kalle Taipale)

Pic: Asko Jonathan Photography


There are as many ways of being and feeling female as there are people identifying as ones, -this is just one (personal) take on the subject and a tribute to feminism at it. An upbeat and entertaining number that leave the audience open to interpretation.

Photo: Rafa Photography

Xmas Fan Dance 

Every year around November mr. Bublé is dragged out of his cave to entertain the Holiday-spirits of us all! This fun and nutty fan dance is a tribute to all things kitch and also a little nod to Michael Bublé -lets not be too serious about things! Perfect for corporate events and Holiday parties! 

Photo: JBM


An homage to male strippers from a lady who loves "The Full Monty" and "Magic Mike" alike, 'Maurice' brings on stage a flashy take of what makes the Dudes in the industry so fun to watch! Gigi has done her homework taking classes from an actual male exotic entertainer but bringing her own twist to it all. Costuming by Olivia Rouge and show-stopping cowboy hat by Fiona Timantti Millinery. 
This act includes floor work and water / a slight mess on stage.

Photo: Adam Monaghan


Minäkin kimmellän! -mitä on burleski? Alkeet I (+ II)

1,5 -2h työpaja jossa tutustutaan burleskin historiaan ja tehdään kehollisia harjoitteita pareittain ja ryhmässä. Työpajassa harjoitellaan mm. katsekontaktin ottamista, sensuellia liikkumista pilke silmäkulmassa (bump&grind, shimmy), löydetään oman kehon ihanimmat kohdat ja tehdään hauskoja treenejä puuhkien ja hanskojen kanssa. Ei sisällä riisumista! Pajassa saattaa tulla lämmin mutta varsinaisia hikitreenejä emme pidä.Pukeutuminen: rento, mukava asu jossa mielellään näkee kehon muodot ja jossa on helppo liikkua. Korkokengät auttavat ryhdin ja liikkumisen kanssa mutta eivät ole pakollisia!Muuta: voit halutessasi ottaa mukaan kirjoitusvälineet mutta tärkeintä on avoin mieli ja pilke silmäkulmassa! 
Työpajaa voidaan jatkaa halutessa alkeisjatkona jossa syvennetään jo opittua ja harjoitellaan koreografia.

Look at me, I´m sparkling!- burlesque 101
1,5-2h workshop that includes a short history of burlesque, exercises to boost body-confidence, balance and sensuality! We will go through basic boa- and glove techniques and find the best parts of our bodies. No stripping! We will move around so dress lightly (leggins etc. to be recommended, no corsets), you can wear comfortable heels if you want. Bring a water bottle and a note pad. No hard choreography so suitable for beginners, no previous knowledge of burlesque needed! 
The workshop can continue with a second class where we will deepen the knowledge and learn a choreography.


Oletko aina halunnut kävellä korkokengillä muttaa uskallus loppuu? Miten jalat jaksaa koko illan upeissa (mutta epäkäytännöllisissä) kengissä? Huutavatko jalat hoosiannaa juhlasesonkia ajatellesakin?

Tässä upea mahdollisuus valmistautua vastaanottamaan juhlat säihkyvästi ja itsevarmuutta uhkuen!
Työpajassa (2h) käydään läpi korkkari-asiaa kenkien valinnasta perus kävely-ja liikkumistekniikkaan. Lisäksi treenataan itsetuntoa, tasapainoa ja kävelyä.
Tuntien aikana tehdään fyysisiä harjoitteita ja helppoa koreografiaa joten varaa matkaan tanssimiseen sopivat kengät (ei platform-korkoja tai ulkojalkineita) ja mukava liikuntavaatetus (esim. legginsit) sekä vesipullo! Tunneilla myös lihaskunto-osuus! 

Sparkling High Heels:  

Have you always loved high heels but lack the confidence and / or knowledge of how to walk in them? What do you need to know when you´re thinking about buying those heels? This 2h workshop will walk you through both theory and technique - we will talk basics, rehearse walking, balance and easy tricks to manage a long night in heels. During the workshop we´ll do some warm-up, physical things and choreo so take with you heels you can move around in (no platforms or outdoor boots), comfortable clothes and a water bottle. Some muscle toning is included in this workshop so prepare to sweat! 

Molemmista työpajoista on mahdollista yhdistää teille sopiva kokonaisuus!

Both workshops can be combined to suit your needs!

Polttaripajat ja virkistyspäivän pajat

Tee päivästä unohtumaton lisäämällä siihen hieman säihkettä! Polttaripajat ovat suosittuja 1-2h kokonaisuuksia jossa käymme lyhyesti läpi burleskin historiaa ja perusliikkeitä, hansikas- ja puuhkatekniikkaa opetellen. Paja voidaan muokata asiakkaan toiveita kuunnellen (esim. koreografiaa voidaan toteuttaa sankarin lempibiisiin). Tasselit vaativat hieman enemmän aikaa joten otathan tämän huomioon :)

Ota yhteyttä niin mietitään teidän porukalle sopiva kokonaisuus!

Alla workshops går även på svenska!All workshops can be taught in English!

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