Monday, October 22, 2012


I AM SO STOKED!!! So apart from today being CAPS LOCK DAY (...why do I know these trivial things? anyway, not the reason WHY I SCREAM here) I actually am jumping for joy because Bettie Blackheart announced the foreign performers for next Helsinki Burlesque Festival (March 2013): one of my idols, inspirations and all time favourites Dirty Martini is coming to Finland!!!! She is in pretty amazing company as well: Tigger!, Angie Pontani, Isis Starr, Anna Fur Laxis...the whole line up (minus Finnish performers) can be found here! The theme is Burlescopolis so if you haven´t seen Fritz Lang´s classic film "Metropolis" I suggest you do it now :)
I can´t wait!!! There is a lot going on before that, though. Just in the next week! Remember the Horror & Tease next Saturday in Tampere! Also next Friday there´s a club at Kokomo themed Pirate Pleasures (tickets from Tiketti) with burlesque performances from Bettie Blackheart, Frank Doggenstein, Tinker Bell and Sandy Jungle- I will sure as heck be there :)
Last, but not least, I wanted to share this beautiful backstage photo from Saturday by Adam Monaghan...I have no clue when he took it (concentrating on taking the glitter off my lips I guess) but it has the ambience of an old movie and I really don´t look like myself here haha! Have a great Monday!

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