Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Jingle them belles!

Hooyah! A little while left before Xmas...people are getting more and more uptight, the crowds are getting thicker, the mood is can see those Neanderthalian looks on peoples faces at most shops these days...busy-busy-busy!!! Hang in there, folks! This comes eve-ry year so relax! If you hate cleaning, don´t do it! Dim the lights and light some candles. It´s supposed to be a joyous, relaxing holiday!
Since we (as in hubby and I) will be spending Xmas on a sunny beach this year I totally stopped my normal Christmas-craziness at... hrm, hanging up seasonal curtains and getting some flowers. I admit, it´s a sickness - I change our kitchen curtains four (!) times a year depending on the season but then again, it´s something I choose to do. Nobody expects it of me. So it´s far :)
I´m pretty tired, I admit. But I promise I´ll be back in full swing after Xmas! In the meanwhile GET THE TICKETS for Helsinki Burlesque Festival 2014!!! I mean it. This Saturday´s Yuletide Revue sold OUT and I know a LOT of peeps crying over it because they were not awake!!! Don´t let that happen to you. The line-up is *amazing* plus the festival workshop info is out, too! The tickets (at Tiketti) are selling FAST, more info here!!!

Have a merry week and hey -if you got those tickets, I´ll see you Saturday at Diana-näyttämö in Hellsinki!!!


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