Monday, October 24, 2011


Photo and hat from and by Fiona Timantti (
It´s been a tired Monday...After a wonderful weekend full of activity I -of course- didn´t get to sleep soon enough last night so it has  been one sticky day today.

The best news today came from Fiona Timantti: my hats are done and I´ll get them on Thursday <3 Hurrah!!!!

I have to post this pic here of one of them, it´s just wonderful! The other one is for my new number (to go with the dress here ) - I´ll be sure to post some pictures as soon as I get it!

I also got my delivery from Trashy Diva just in time for the Gala but unfortunately there´s no pictures of me wearing the 40´s dress. New opportunity in two weeks when I´m wearing it again for a friends wedding....

This week will be busy, busy...tomorrow rehearsing both my Diamonds and Naked with the girls for a private gig coming up and we need to get Thee Dizzys monetary-business sorted as well so going to the tax-office with Sandy on Thursday. Pheew, lots to learn! :)

But now I´m off to bed with a good book and a couple of cats! Have a wonderful beginning of the week!

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