Friday, December 9, 2016

Korkkarikimmellys goes Turku!

Tammikuussa on mahdollisuus oppia korkkareista ja niillä kävelemisestä! Pidän suositun pajani Studio Winkheartin tiloissa Turussa lauantaina 28.01.2017 klo 12-14, lisäinfoa täältä! Ilmoittautumiset 21.01.2017 mennessä!

Sparkling High Heels-workshop goes Turku in January! Sign up at, more info from the link above!


Sunday, November 20, 2016

Suomi Burleski Gaala!

It´s that time of the year again! The Finnish Burlesque Gala next Saturday at Ravintola Kaisaniemi, Helsinki! Tickets are almost sold out so you have to be FAST!

Poster: Bettie Blackheart

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Kreisi November Burlesque!

Are you already wondering what to do AFTER Halloween? Lahti-city, you´re in for a treat! For all things absurd and crazy we have invited Kiki Hawaiji (Turku) and Lady Laverna (Helsinki) to join us for our November-edition of the Pikku Hanhi burlesque nights!
It´s the BEST way to shake that gloom right out of your pants! Tickets will be on sale at the venus from the 5th next month!

Poster: Handsome Stark

Monday, October 17, 2016

Mahtavat Maanantait: Korkkarikimmellys!

The Shangri-La School of Showgirlsien tiiviskurssisarja Mahtavat Maanantait esittää: KORKKARIKIMMELLYS!
Opi kävelemään ja tanssimaan korkokengissä! Tapahtuma täällä .

Oletko aina halunnut kävellä korkokengillä mutta uskallus loppuu? Miten jalat jaksavat koko illan upeissa (mutta epäkäytännöllisissä) kengissä? Huutavatko jalat hoosiannaa pikkujoulusesonkia ajatellessakin?

Tässä upea mahdollisuus valmistautua vastaanottamaan loppuvuoden juhlakausi säihkyvästi ja itsevarmuutta uhkuen! Työpajassa käydään läpi korkkari-asiaa aina kenkien valinnasta perus kävely- ja liikkumistekniikkaan. Lisäksi treenataan itsetuntoa, tasapainoa ja kävelyä. Tuntien aikana tehdään fyysisiä harjoitteita ja helppoa koreografiaa joten varaa matkaan tanssimiseen sopivat kengät (ei kiilakorkoja tai ulkojalkineita) ja mukava liikuntavaatetus (esim. legginsit) sekä vesipullo! Tunneilla myös lihaskunto-osuus!

Kurssin ohjaa burleskiesiintyjä-ja opettaja Gigi Praline.

Kurssin kesto on kaksi viikkoa (2x75min) ja hinta on 38€.
Voit myös osallistua tunneille kertamaksulla, jolloin hinta on 20€/ opetuskerta.
Studion sarja- ja anytime kortit käyvät myös maksuna, jolloin kortista merkataan yksi normaali 60min tunti käytetyksi.

In English: I´m teaching my Sparkling High Heels-workshop in two parts this November at the Studio Shangri-La in Helsinki! We will go through techniques how to walk and move, basic info about shoes and work on easy choreo, self-esteem and balance.

Pic: Pin Me Up

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Pirates Pleasures - So Bad! It´s Good

Halloween-month is here and we start celebrating early! Come join us at Wäiski tonight where my new act will see the night-light!

Doors at 7pm, tickets 15e and showtime 8pm sharp!

Saturday, September 17, 2016

Burlesque Follies! Athens!

I´ve never been to Athens. I´ve been to a bunch of Greek islands and Parga but never Athens, and it´s been my dream for years. I probably have a very romantic idea about the city but as I love history this place holds me intrigued.

I now have the possibility to go AND take my kit off as well! La Dandizette, whom I met at the Vienna Boylesque festival in 2014 is having both me and Dick over and I´m OVER THE MOON! I get to both see the Acropolis and teach a workshop PLUS perform so if you´re in town this weekend be sure to join us for the fun <3

Poster magic: Nefeli Tsalta

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Harvest Moon Burlesque

This Friday the Pikku Hanhi-club in Lahti will host burlesque again! On stage: Frank Doggenstein, Nancy Bites and Gigi Praline!
Hosted by Dick Tator & stage kitten duties by Dolly Poupée

Tickets are 10e and on sale already at the venue so grab yours!Showtime is at 8pm!
More info here!

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Sir Willy Waterlily

This week has been one of the roughest I can remember. On Monday-night I received a phonecall that my dear friend and the amazing artist Sir Willy Waterlily had been in a serious car accident and was in the hospital - the doctors gave little hope.
He passed away on Tuesday afternoon.

I got to say goodbye to him and the reality of the whole thing is slowly sinking in - he really is gone from this world. I´ve cried and sorted his things (he lived at our farm for 2 months this Summer), talked to friends and his family. He touched *so many* on so many levels. He was an artist, a colleague, a brother, an idol, a lover, a friend, an isnpiration to som amny people.
I´m glad we went on that two-hour-long walk last Saturday and spent the night making tacos and watching a silly film. I´m glad I hugged him on Sunday and told him thanks... -and I´m glad I told him many times over I loved him.

I´ve been going through things in my head that Mikael taught me, because over the years he helped me with so much! From mixing my music to ideas about my numbers, he was my gardner (for realz, I´m lost without him now because I can´t tell a rose from a weed) my confidant and partner on stage.

You will be missed, my friend. Not just by me and hubby but everyone. I know you´re still here reading over my shoulder so I hope you´ve seen all the amazing memories people share about you.

Fly high, dearest and see you on the other side <3

Like you wrote on that pic you gave me:

Your Gigi

Friday, August 26, 2016

Sparkling High Heels in Athens!


One more month to go and me and Dick Tator will be taking Athens by storm :) I´ve never been to there and it´s been a dream of mine. I love Greece <3
Remember to sign up for my workshop and then later the same night (Sunday 2nd of October) we will be shaking our tail feathers with La Dandizette at Faust, hosted by Dick!

Sparkling High Heels (2h): A combo of Gigi´s workshops! The 2,5h workshop include a short history of burlesque, a warm up, basic high heel knowledge (both theory and practise) to become friends with those fantastic shoes, fun excersises to boost your confidence & balance using boas and gloves plus an easy dance coreo!

Info to workshop here!

Original pic by JIRINA

Wednesday, August 24, 2016


Burleskitanssin viikkotunnit jatkuvat jälleen kesätauon jälkeen! Sunnuntai-iltana (18-19) on mahdollisuus kokeilla, -ja vielä tarjoushintaan! mistä on kyse Mueve!-studiolla Lahdessa ja viikkotunnit jatkuvat alkeistasolla jälleen ensi tiistaista lähtien. Muistathan aina ILMOITTAUTUA tunneille klo 12 mennessä samana päivänä että tunnit pidetään! Ilmoittautuminen on helppoa ja kätevää seuraavan linkin kautta:

Lisäksi maanantai-iltaisin sheikataan tuttuun tapaan Studio Shangri-La:ssa Lauttasaaressa jossa minä ja Pepper jatkamme alkeisjatko-tason tunteja. Aloitamme kuitenkin kertaamalla joten mukaan voi tulla vaikka olisit täysin uusi! Tunnit pidetään Vattuniemenkatu 15B, 2 krs. klo 18-19!

Toivottavasti nähdään treeneissä <3

Photo: Milla Kouhia

Wednesday, August 10, 2016


Syksyn burleskitanssitunnit alkavat jälleen! Mikäli mietit mistä on kyse, käy lukemassa lyhyt esittely tästä blogista tai tule tutustumaan tunneille!

Helsingissä jatkuvat alkeisjatko-tunnit maanantaisin klo 18-19 Studio Shangri-La:n tiloissa Lauttasaaressa, opettajina minä ja Pepper Sparkles. Voit hyvin tulla mukaan vaikket olisi aiemmin kokeillut sillä aloitamme kertauksella.

Lahdessa jatkuvat sheikkailut tanssistudio Mueve!n tiloissa tiistaisin klo 20-20.50. Jos olet Lahden seudulta tule ensi lauantaina 13.8 kurkkaamaan esiintyvän ryhmämme The Muevettes! menoa Nuorelassa.

Sunday, July 10, 2016

Kuopio ROCK!

Tomorrow we (as in hubster, myself, Tinker Bell and her hubs) are flying bright and early to Scotland for 10 days of kilts, whiskey and such. A HOLIDAY, that is! (well-deserved at it, too)

At the end of this month me, Miss Acrolicious and Sandy Jungle will shake our tailfeathers at the Kuopio RockCock VIP-tent so if you´re in the hoods do come see us, we will be there all weekend!

Link here!

Saturday, May 28, 2016

Brygga Burlesque - Live & Unwrapped!

 Hey LAHTI!!! We are bringing you live (ragtime) music by the genious Miikka Kallio & Dick Tator and burlesque by Olivia Rouge and myself!  The event is FREE so no excuses! Friday 17th of June at Bar Brygga, showtime approx 10pm!

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Busy Bee!

Springtime is always crazy -the sunshine makes time go so much faster plus in the school-world Spring brings along many projects, grading etc. that makes us teachers run in circles! I´ve been really busy for some time now: it´s all good things like travel, teaching, performing and such but if you see me and I seem a bit aloof it´s just that I am pretty tires at the moment :) So it´s nothing personal!!!

I´ve just finished grading (some of the stuff) and am off to pluck in my garden (it´s not an euphemism hehe) - here´s me yesterday before teaching a really fun bachlorette workshop at Studio Shangri-La in Hellsinki!

Remember that the weekly burleskitanssi-classes will go on for a while (until end of May in Lahti and 06.June at Shangri-La) so do come and shake your tail feathers with us! Then we will have a Summer break and continue the shenanigans in the Fall!

Oh, and talking about the Studio: the Shangri-La School Summershow will be Friday 3rd of June so mark your calendars, that´s the next time you can see me on stage again! Have a great Sunday!

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Ilona Goes Burlesque!

The 5th of May there shall be some glitter and mayhem in Tampere (once again) when I get to climb on stage with some great people at Ilona Goes Burlesque!
On stage:

Kellita (US)
Olivia Rouge
Holy Curves!
Mayhem Mamacitas
Gigi Praline
Curvelicious Jo-Jo
Miss Woop De Doo

Tix are on sale so be sure to grab yours!

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Takapiha Burleski- Tulta & Tasseleita!

This Friday there will be some fire-y action and some go go shaking at Kanneltalo, Hellsinki when a bunch of us will take the stage for a night of burlesque! Me and Sandy Jungle will be performing at the warm up club starting around 6pm and the main show is at 7pm! More info about the venue here !!!

Sandy Jungle & Bent van der Bleu

Sunday, April 3, 2016

Devils In High Heels

As I am still recovering from this weekend -SO MUCH goodness happening!!! - I´m delighted to tell you I have been accepted to perform in Brussels this September!!!

Thank you Lahti for embracing our event on Friday, I was a bit nervous about how big the turn out would be since we had only two weeks to advertise but the house was full and the show was rocking! This means me & hubby will do our damnest to try to organize more of these evenings!

Last night as Drag me to HEL ...I can´t even start to describe it! I´ll post some pics later but let me just say I saw hubby go go dancing on stage in minimal, pink swimwear and got to hug Ben De La Creme <3 Lola Vanilla and Lamey Crackhouse - you have produced a beautiful, glittery and fierce event! THANK YOU!
Have a wonderful Sunday!

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Sunday, March 20, 2016

April Fools Burlesque!

We are organizing an evening of burlesque in Pikku Hanhi (Vapaudenkatu 18), Lahti in two weeks time on April Fools-day Friday the 1st of April!

On stage will be yours truly and the fantastic ladies from Tampere: Olivia Rouge and Mimi de Froufrou! The show will be farely early starting at 8pm, tickets 10e and can be bought also from the venue beforehand starting next Wednesday (March 30th).
Host: Dick Tator
Stage kitten-artistry: Dolly Poupee

Hope to see you all there <3

Sunday, March 13, 2016

HelsinkiBurlesqueFestival 1

It's been a week and my head is slowly starting to process the fabulousness that was HELBF16. So many performances that blew my mind, so many amazing people, so much LOVE. 
Here are a few pics from Friday and from Luminous Pariah's workshop on Saturday ❤️

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

New stuff

One thing that people seldomly realize is just how much of TEAMWORK burlesque often is! As there are those super-(talented)-people who just DIY everything for a lot of us mortals it´s about a good team of trustworthy professionals who will make your ideas come to life.

Shooting promotonal pictures sure is one of these things... And as I have had the pleasure of working with many talented people one of my late favourites is JIRINA <3 Here´s some of what we did in January.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Minäkin Kimmellän! -workshop

(c) Kaylin Idora

Minäkin kimmellän! -mitä on burleski? Alkeet I

Lauantaina 09.04.2016 tanssistudio Mueve!n tiloissa klo 13.30-15.30 (Vesijärvenkatu 27, Lahti)
Hinta 25e/hlö,. (Opiskelijat 20e.) Maksuinfo ilmoittautuessa! 

Paja toteutuu jos 8 osallistujaa!!!! Peruutukset lääkärintodistuksella. Jos paja peruuntuu järjestäjän taholta maksut palautetaan kokonaisuudessaan.

Kahden tunnin työpaja jossa tutustutaan burleskin historiaan ja tehdään kehollisia harjoitteita pareittain ja ryhmässä. Työpajassa harjoitellaan mm. katsekontaktin ottamista, sensuellia liikkumista pilke silmäkulmassa (bump&grind, shimmy), löydetään oman kehon ihanimmat kohdat ja tehdään hauskoja treenejä puuhkien ja hanskojen kanssa. Ei sisällä riisumista! Pajassa saattaa tulla lämmin mutta varsinaisia hikitreenejä emme pidä.
Pukeutuminen: rento, mukava asu jossa mielellään näkee kehon muodot ja jossa on helppo liikkua. Korkokengät auttavat ryhdin ja liikkumisen kanssa mutta eivät ole pakollisia! Jos tuot korkokengät varmista että ne ovat sisätiloihin sopivat ja että pohjat ovat puhtaat / tuo korkosuojat.
Muuta: voit halutessasi ottaa mukaan kirjoitusvälineet mutta tärkeintä on avoin mieli ja pilke silmäkulmassa!

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Burlesque Goes Valentine!

Tomorrow is Valentine´s day and we are celebrating it tonight at Ace Corner in Lahti! Poppy Red, Ginger Ale and myself are warming up the place and Sam and the Zombies stand for the music! I will do a brand new version of my "Diamonds"-number with the band <3

Doors at 8pm! See you there!

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Save the Queen!

The Queen Calavera, Hamburgs legendary home of burlesque, needs our help! Please help Sven gather some money so he can continue to pour his heart and blood into making the Queen a fantastic venue. Go to this link:
You can donate even a small amount or lavish out and get some fantastic merchandise! Thank you <3 

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Burlesque Day in Pori

This Friday I´m off to Pori so I´ll be there on the spot to teach my Korkkarikimmellys-high heels workshop on Saturday! I have to be back in Helsinki for the evening (HENRY ROLLINS spoken word <3 ) and the public transportations is a bit if-fyish so the time for the workshop has been changed to a tad earlier! Check out the info of the day here! Sea Breeze will be teaching tassel-making and a lot of fun stuff going on!

I quick reminder that the tix for the Helsinki Burlesque Festival are selling pretty damn quick so stop thinking about it and go to Tiketti and get yours! It´s the 9th of ten festivals so after this there will be only one left with this concept so you really don´t want to miss this PLUS the line-up is pretty damn incredible!

The ex-Tourettes aka The XXXettes will take the stage on both nights and we have a brand new number for ya´ll ;)

With loved ones at the Turku Burlesque Weekend last year, pic by Tuomas Lairila

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Weekend happenings

This upcoming weekend there will be at least two clubs that I´m aware of that you guys should attend to!!! Friday in Hellsinki the Ravishing Shangri-La Rubies are organizing their club at Café Mascot, this time as Fabulöösiklubi and on Saturday there´s the monthly Teerenpeli Tease Glittertribe!

Both clubs will feature the fantastic Miss Knockout Noire from Norway!!! I met her at the Stockholm Burlesque Festival last October and let me tell you she is both lovely and talented <3

As life is what it is and my schedule a bit crazy at the moment I´m missing both clubs... Friday I´m attending Yannis Marshall´s high heels-dance class in Tampere and on Saturday I´m shaking my tail feathers with Pepper at a private gig. SO YOU SHOULD GO and tell me all about it!

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Hawaii in Lahti!

This Saturday I will take the stage with the fantastic and fun festival quintet of the Mallusjoki Brass Orchestra :) 
It´s bound to be something different so contact Marttinen for tix!!!

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Tanssi! Dance!

Ylihuomenna la 09.01.2015 Studio Shangri-La:ssa Lauttasaaressa on tutustumispäivä!
Tervetuloa kokeilemaan kevään tuntitarjontaa hauskojen minituntien muodossa! Seitankinkutkin sulavat puolivahingossa siinä ohessa, kun hiukan venyy, hikoilee ja tanssahtelee hyvässä seurassa ja lämpöisessä tunnelmassa.


10:30-11:55 Burleskitanssi Intro (Pepper)
12-12:25 Shimmy'n'Shake/Work It! (Ruska)
12:30-12:55 Showgirl Circuit (Ulrika)
13-13:25 Burleski Teema (Ruska)
13:30-13:55 Pilates Intro (Ulrika)
14-14:40 Klassinen Pilates (Ulrika)
14:45-15:25 Seasonal Yoga (Ruska)
15:30-15:55 Yoga Nidra (Ruska)

Päivän tunnit ovat teemalla "2 yhden hinnalla", eli saat joko ostaa kaksi tuntia yhden hinnalla TAI tulla tunnille yhdessä kaverin kanssa puoleen hintaan (HUOM! Alennus ei koske 90 min Burleskitanssin Introa). Päivän tuntitarjonnasta saat koota itsellesi mieleisesi paketin; tuntien väleissä voit myös istua samettisohvilla nauttimassa studiomme viehättävästä tunnelmasta sekä pienistä virvokkeista.


25 min / 8 €
40 min / 10 €
90 min (Burleskitanssi Intro) / 20 €

Tunnit voit maksaa käteisellä, kortilla tai Smartum-setelillä.

Tutustumispäivän aikana studiolta ostetuista kevään kursseista ja kausi- sekä anytimekorteista saa -5% alennuksen!

LAHTI ja Lahdenseutu HUOMIO: huomenna perjantaina 08.01 myös Mueve! tanssistudiolla burleskitanssin tutustumiskerrat (25min/) klo 18-18.25 / 18.30-18.55 ja lauantaina burleskitanssia klo 13-14 EnergyFly:lla! Muistathan ilmoittautua!

Sunday, January 3, 2016

New Year, Ol´Tricks

Happy New Year people! I hope you had a wonderful and festive Holiday-time, I know I did! Now it´s time to drag our the work-mode and calendar again and this week will kick in multi-colors with both performance AND dance teaching! Thursday-night we will celebrate the anniversary of the Pirates Pleasures burlesque-club in Hellsinki and on Friday I´ll teach twice at Mueve!-club (25min classes /each) and Saturday at EnergyFly -both in Lahti.
More info on the dance-thing coming soon, if you are interested but not sure what 'burleskitanssi' is, please do read the newest addition in the blog (up there to the right, yeah under the banner ;) -in Finnish only, sorry!

So see you soon!