Friday, January 13, 2012


Lately, I´ve noticed a small change in myself. I´ve been enjoying *different* things than before...I swapped pole dancing to bodybalance (maybe I´ll climb back up on the pole...but for now) and tonight I cought myself buying maca-powder and googling smoothie-receipes in the store...Hmmm. It´s Friday-night (the First Friday After Vacation, no less) and we had a really good day today with The Dizzies. First me and Pepper ran around town and actually found most of the stuff for outfits we had on our list, then we met up at Raspberry Fields with Sandy and got our number figured out a bit more.
So WHY am I drinking a detox-smoothie?!?!?  Because it´s darn good, is why. I took out a bottle of chardonnay just because I want to have my options open if I feel like a glass after the smoothie haha! it´s all about balance, right? ;)
Have a beautiful weekend lovelies! Oh, and in case you wonder why I blog about a smoothie: I got the idea from one of Dita von Teese´s tweets! You should try it, check here!

Sandy and some props.

Pepper, being the sequin dealer...

Card added to give xtra boost for tomorrow mornings house cleaning...

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