Thursday, July 12, 2012

Back in biz.

Bzzz bzz bzzz says the busy bee! I´m back "in civilization" after a relaxing week away from it all. Seems like there´s a lot to catch up with as usual but feel up and perky. Dates getting booked, I´ll keep you informed as soon as possible! There will be a very cool burlesque event in Helsinki in August: The Velvet Tea Room at the good old restaurant boat Wäiski - come and see us there!

Tonight I´m very happy to go and meet up with Mimi de FrouFrou, Lafayette Lestrange and Welma Jackpot  -- not to perform, just for drinks! Yey! You should definetly have a drink too, this weather is (hopefully) going to rain down soon, at least here it´s hot and humid and a feel of thunder (which I love).  I´m thinking about wearing my new Pin Up Couture leopard print skirt tonight...hmmmm... Also got the wonderful turqoise dress with kitttens on it, will surely post photos later!

I was scrolling through pictures on my computer and found these old ones. The first is with my lovely vintage hat (that Fiona Timantti fixed for me later, thanks hun!) and the other is from a photoshoot with the fantastic Roy Bäckström.

Got to go again, have a wonderful Thursday ya´ll <3

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